Binjal PandyaHey friends welcome to my space Binjal’s VEG Kitchen,

Hello my name is Binjal Pandya! Thank you very much for visiting my blog page, for this I am very grateful and appreciative, thanks again! I’m a Gujarati but originally from the beautiful city of Mumbai, India. I have traveled a great distance from home and now residing in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania, USA. It has been quite a journey for myself, wonderful Husband and two of the most amazing little people in my world, my beautiful daughters Riddhi and Maahi, who are “My biggest food Critiques” 😉

I’ve been very fortunate to be raised in family business all of my life. I represent four generations in our family business and doing my very best to continue my families legacy. As a child raised in a single parent household, my mother had given me all the tools necessary, which –I feel- was pivotal and so much more than what was afforded to most children surrounding me at that time! She’d given me every opportunity to fulfill all my wishes and exceed even my greatest expectations. She is the biggest inspiration and -by far- the most influential person and woman in my life. Without her strength, perseverance and loving care I am nothing! She’s taught me so many things and most importantly how to survive, how to achieve, how to stand tall apart from the crowd as an individual, and how to become successful in any path that I would choose. So I am dedicating my blogging successes to my guru, my inspiration, my motivation my Mom.

Now, just a little about myself, I have achieved a Master’s degree in commerce (M.COM) from Mumbai. After 12th grade and obtaining my college education I was completely submerged in family business, so there wasn’t much time to do some of the things that I loved and enjoyed doing. However, through all the studying and hard work there’s always existed a strong desire for cooking. So whenever time permitted, cooking is what I seemingly found myself submerged in. I began cooking various styles of food for my entire family inclusive but not limited to my grandpa, granny (My Mom’s parents) and my cousins. They were my first food critiques prior to marriage. However, it wasn’t until I met my husband and was off and married that my real journey and experimenting with cooking began. Living with my new parents I cooked every day,  breakfast to lunch, lunch to dinner and everything was prepared by such a special person, yours truly, Me!

I found it to be quite challenging as the preparation and preferred taste of food styles between our families were dissimilar to say the least. Hence they would become my biggest food critics. However as days passed they’d soon voice that my food preparation and quality in taste was far preferred over even the finest restaurant.

Seemingly overnight -because of my husband’s job- we’d find ourselves in route to the USA. Finally arriving in the USA, life would never be the same as we had once known! One day near the end of September 2014 –by accident- whilst surfing the internet I stumbled across the Wonderful Food Bloggers’ World and since that very day I’ve plowed my hidden passion and love into food. With my husband’s belief in my cooking and support we started my Facebook recipe page in April 2014 (prior to our website) just for fun to pass the time. To our surprise we’d gotten a got good response from readers! So we decided to start blogging my recipes, writing my experiences and posting pictures of my food creations. I started viewing food pictures on my cell phone for recipes images. Slowly, but surely it transformed into a habit.

October 2015 marks the successful completion of one full year of blogging with more than one million views. A huge thanks to my readers and my family and friends who’d given me their full support through it all.  The recipes shared in this website are tested in my kitchen and perfectly suited to our taste buds. I am not an expert by any means but the recipes posted on this site are actual recipes cooked and enjoyed time and time again by my family. I prepare every dish with cups of affections, dashes of care and tons of love and all are very close to my hearts. If you happen to try one of the many recipes from my website and added some variations, please feel free to share it with us I would so much enjoy knowing this and that some have tried some of the dishes I as well as my family are quite proud of it.

As a Photographer, while on my journey and after witnessing my progress and commitment in blogging, my wonderful husband presented me with my first DSLR Nikon D7100 camera with 18-140mm lens to assist in fine tuning the inner photographer in me as well. You will notice a progressive difference in my earlier recipe pictures which were taken using a cell phone. Now, alongside cooking, photography too is a passion of mine as well. I’m snapping picture after picture, anything and everything beautiful that land in my eyes view. Not only food, but I love to snap pictures of everything nature related; things like flowers, birds, landscapes and my children’s activities as well with my new camera. Recently I added 105mm and 50mm lens in my camera kit.

So guys this is my small-long story of my blogging journey. I will continue sharing my experience with you all. If you like my work, want to connect with me  please feel free to stay connected  thru my social network like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, Twitter and many more.

You can follow me here for regular update.






………………………………………………………………………………………………Thank you for stopping here to know about me……… 🙂 😉 🙂

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